There are plenty of companies offering great services that still end up on pages beyond the first page. Unfortunately, 75% of today’s web users miss out on the opportunity to purchase from these awesome companies because they won’t scroll past the first page. Our SEO team doesn’t want you to be one of the thousands of companies consumers miss out on. In fact, we’ll do everything we can to ensure that you become the company consumers choose from the first page of results.


PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click. PPC ads run on top and on the side of results that show up in search engines. Their appearance is similar to the rest of the results, but are typically marked as an ad somewhere around the header. These ads are targeted to display in results that fit your target demographic. Each time a consumer clicks on your ad, you make a payment to the search engine for the exposure you received. PPC is a great strategy when paired with SEO efforts as it provides instant exposure to complement the long-term effects of positive SEO.

Content Marketing

When it comes to SEO, content is king. Quality content that has been optimized for keyword ranking is crucial to any successful SEO campaign. This content can be found in the form of onsite blog posts and site content, as well as offsite content that you contribute to other online resources. Putting content out there is great, but a successful campaign does more. The next step is driving traffic to your blog for optimal engagement. This typically includes author collaborations, social media efforts, and offsite mentions.

Social Media Marketing

The world is obsessed with social. Smart marketers get this. That’s while social media marketing has blown up over the past decade. Getting in front of consumers where they’re most engaged is the goal, and social media marketing is a great solution. By creating an effective content strategy and implementing a strategic social advertising campaign on the right platforms, your brand has the opportunity to create some serious buzz among its target consumers.

Marketing Automation (email marketing)

Email marketing offers an incredible opportunity to connect with past, current, and potential consumers. By reaching out via a targeted email list, your brand is able to deliver its message right to the inboxes of members of its target demographic.


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