How to break up content in HTML

April 12, 2011

I was curious about what might be the best way to break up content in html for SEO. Not only for SEO purposes, but also to develop a pattern to stay consistent. So I went to the source. I looked at 3 google pages to see how they divided up the content on pages. By content division, I am talking about how do they code the paragraph breaks, and paragraph headings, etc.

Here is what I’ve found: (Keep in mind, this probably changes, and I only spot checked a few pages)
Seems to use a combination of <strong></strong> and <br /><br /> to space out the paragraphs and paragraph titles.
Seems to use a combination of <h2></h2> and <p></p> to space out the paragraphs and paragraph titles.
Seems to use a combination of <b></b> and <br /><br /> to space out the paragraphs and paragraph titles.

It’s probably not all that critical on which style you choose as long as you have great content. How do you like to break up paragraphs and titles? Leave a comment.

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