Red Olive Design Inc. a Utah Web Design and Creative Firm

March 14, 2005

Red Olive Design LogoFinally, we decided to put together a much talked about utah web design blog. We initially only wanted to post common bugs or issues we faced while developing websites as an inhouse/public resource. Hopefully once picked up by the search engines it would help others facing similar conundrums. It was only after marketing heard we were slapping up a blog site that they decided to put in their two cents. Enter search engine optimization topics and the like. Although we hate being blatant commercial whores, we understood it had to be done to some degree. So please accept our apologies for the lame title tags, we will work extra hard to make sure the rest of the blog is a stellar resource for you.

The blog site is divided up into logical sections like web site design and anything that falls under that heading. There are a multitude of related topics that simply don’t fall under that category which we felt warranted their own heading. This blog site is also a great resource for finding Local Utah companies that can help facilitate a great website or creative project.

P.S. If you are a client, brace yourself as you are about to realize what true dorks you are working with 🙂

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